The Awakening of GRIEF

In grief, we mourn the loss of a life or a relationship, a job title and all its benefits, or maybe something we deeply cherished; all of which we once had. We may mourn a season and time in life where we had profound meaning and purpose. Grief reminds us of this loss.

However, grief also reminds us of who we truly are.  We are not merely parents, wives, husband’s, job titles, property owners, friends. We are God’s creation, fallen yet redeemed, on a mission in this world, on destination to an eternal life with Christ Jesus. We read in scripture, Joseph was betrayed, Hannah was barren, David was haunted, and Jesus was crucified. All had abrupt interruptions in life on their way to their eternal destiny. Is it possible that our lives are far more meaningful than the sum total that we give to it? Is it possible that life on this planet deceives us from knowing our true purpose; and it is only when loss interrupts that process, do we pause to take an account of what this life is truly meant for. We actually have a clue about this fact. 

When we consider what Jesus said, we will discover it is true for us as well. “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). That the peace we have been redeemed to walk in is a peace this world does not know of (John 14:27). Is it possible there truly does lie a greater truth regarding our lives than the one we are holding on to so tightly in our grief? Then, if this is true, is it possible that the process of grief is to bring us not only to this reality but to learn how to embrace it? Embrace it with greater wisdom and understanding. Grief is a part of life. Some may experience it early on and others later in life. One thing is very likely; we will all experience grief many times in our lifetime, some experiences, just may be weightier than others. The bottom line is that Grief is a part of our human life cycle, although for the believer, the cycle goes like this: “We live, we serve on earth, we die, and we spend eternity with Jesus.” This is the True-Life process! Grief can endanger us by becoming stuck in one aspect of this process through fear, guilt, anger, victimization, loneliness, ignorance, or merely by believing that our best life and hope is right here on earth. Grief tempts us to reject God’s greater plan. The plan that existed all along.

The reason why death is such a wakeup call to so many people is because death, much like grief, causes us to come into check with the reality of life that God has for us, in contrast to the reality that we have about our lives. Grief can be considered another “Great Surrender,” much like the surrender when we gave up our lives to follow Jesus. This step of faith required us to let go of our life so we may live in Christ. Our continual walk of faith is now a constant dying to the flesh so that we may have new life in Christ. So is it possible that when grief seem to have an unnatural, lasting, and destructive hold upon our lives, bringing us into a place of darkness and captivity, a place that was never design for humankind to live, a place Jesus died and resurrected to redeem us from, yes, this is a place that mirrors a condition of the hopeless strongholds of sin.

So, at some point in our grief process, we must have the conversation with Jesus like we had on the day we gave our life to him and confessed, “Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. I believe you love me, and that you laid down your life for me. I recognize that I am a sinner, held captive by its curse, blindness, and chains. Lord Jesus, today I give my life to you. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Save me, deliver me from the hold sin has on my life so I may find new life and a new beginning in you. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

In 2006, I experience grief personally. I lost my husband of 12 years to cancer. It was a 3-year painful and prophetic journey. I personally experienced the cycle of grief. I discovered the healing process of the Holy Spirit on that journey. It took me 3 years. Today, while I may not have a father for my children or a husband to support my life, I have discovered more deeply that God is the Master Planner and creator of our lives. He does everything thoughtful and with perfection. Because he created us and deeply loves us, he knows us better than we know ourselves. This means, that beyond a shadow of any doubt, what he produces in us for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or infinite times we experience loss, God will surely give us a profound sense of purpose, enlarge our understanding of him, renew our strength and fill us with new joys. If we allow our hearts to trust God, as we have been called to do, he will make us fearfully and wonderfully made, over and over again. He did it for me, so I am confident he will do the same for you.

If you are struggling with prolonged grief, or grief that has evolved into a relationship trauma or spiritual entanglement, feel free to contact me:

Rev. Karen Gaithers 

Watermark Life Coaching (A ministry service of Karen Gaithers Ministries)


Watchmen On the Wall – National Prayer Network

Do you have concerns weighing on your heart and life? Do you have concerns that God is also revealing, and speaking to you about? What are you feeling, hearing, sensing? Do you believe God sometimes gives us a burden just to make us aware of it and draw us into a place of prayer? Do you believe God stirs us up to become his warriors; speaking to us or revealing to us his strategic plan against what concerns him. What strategy, prayer focus is God showing you (if any) to make as your personal prayer posture?

Concerns that weigh on us from day to day are truly the ones we need to take note of and not only in a commitment to continue praying, but to consider every time we gather for prayer to remember these issues as important in the heart and mind of God. This approach would become a constant strategic counterattack against Satan. This is necessary because as our enemy, he is constant and strategic in his attacks against us. This year, my prayer group, “Watchman On the Wall” is in a season where we are collectively looking to each other to gain a clearer understanding of “what the Lord is saying” and consequently, taking full responsibility to be hearers of that revelation. When we come together on our virtual wall this is what we are collectively coming into agreement with and addressing in the spirit. United prayer such as this makes us powerful, and it also establishes and signatures our authority (as a body of believers) to carry out the assignment of God. 

I’m not inviting everyone to be a part of this prayer gathering – one really should have a sense of “assignment” pertaining to prayer. We meet twice a month; the first Tuesday regarding our personal needs and the fourth Tuesday to address issues that go beyond the scope of our homes, that resonate in the world around us. We see ourselves as “Ambassadors of Prayer.” That’s why I’m inviting only those who have an ear and heart for what I’m talking about and who sense this is a prayer gathering God is calling YOU to also.  So, how can you know if God is calling you to be a “Watchmen On the Wall?”  Well, consider, if not the children of God, who are also his commissioned Ambassadors, his Royal Priesthood, who are indeed his Holy Nation, who else will he call on to pray strategically for such a time as this? Jesus said, my house shall be called a “House of Prayer.” Matt. 21:13 So, this is what we DO! And WHY we do it. The prayer life of the Church is not as much about our personal needs as it is of God’s, but our personal needs is what we are often most committed to when it comes to prayer. Remember, Jesus said, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, one earth, as it is in heaven.” Matt. 6:10 We are simply recognizing who we truly are to God and answering the call.

I believe we’re living in a generation where the spiritual climate of darkness (ignorance of the true knowledge of God) is overwhelming and saturating the lives of believers and unbelievers alike. There is now a demand upon the believer’s prayer life that MUST SHIFT.  As human as we are, there is even more reason for us as a people of God, to learn how to respond to our issues in life and in the world from an OFFENSIVE prayer posture rather than from a DEFENSIVE one. Too often when we are postured in a defensive mode we are merely responding to (not really addressing) these issues and spiritual attacks. Responding to what we see and how we feel about it. Responding with fear, self-preservation and a need to retreat, be silent and hide. Although, when we take an offensive prayer posture, we are coming head on with what we see and understand. We confront, discern and determine approaches and outcomes and consequently, we are also doing what is necessary to keep ourselves guarded, protected, knowledgeable and sound in the midst of these diabolical forces both practical and of the spirit. I believe this offensive prayer stance is what God is calling his people, the body of Christ into.

As believers in Jesus Christ, when we look out into the world there is sooo much going on that goes against the grain of our existence and of what we believe. In fact, it appears it could be far too late for real change.  So, to say it’s too late for us to make a difference is not to suggest that we are already defeated. However, it does suggest that the hour has very likely come where planting seed is no longer the primary focus but rather cultivating what already exists. Now, that is also not to suggest that evangelism must cease but rather it means the ground on where God’s seed is falling will be harder to cultivate and therefore, quality discipleship is now a far greater need than ever before. It means the authenticity and living representation of Christ- through the lives of his people, living united in his Kingdom with his purpose, presence and power on the earth will be the ONLY firm foundation to maintain an end time generation of believers. Without it, the cost and the loss is too great considering where this generation is taking us. 

So, I suggest to you, that this is likely the season where God separates the sheep from the goats. This could very well be the season where God separates the wheat from the tear. This could be the season where those who are righteous will remain righteous and those who are wicked will remain wicked. It is to say that those who are righteous should recognize that this is an hour like no other when the believer’s light, salt, and sincere mission should be in full view like no other time before. This is why as intercessors, it is imperative that we SHIFT FIRST in our posture of not only how we see ourselves but how we see ourselves committed to the heart and intentions of God in this generation. We ARE Christ’s AMBASSADORS and because we are, we have his promise that he will be with us, and keep us. Therefore, we need not worry about what we see happening around us simply because we are partners with God and of his plans.

So, are you ready to SHIFT?


Register to Join:

Getting Our Head on Straight for the New Year

A Healthy Mindset is a precious thing to have because it can navigate us through life’s UPS and DOWNS with assurance you will come out landing on your feet every time. 

A healthy mindset guards against depression, anxiety, a sense of entitlement and an attitude of complacency towards life and with our relationship with God and others. A healthy mindset is an intentional practice because it chooses not to be a victim of circumstance of our own demise. 

A healthy mindset is aware of the signs and symptoms of unhealthy thinking, and it will intentionally set up a guard against it by practicing Mental Wellness.

This world can be an ongoing MADNESS but WE don’t have to go MADD!

In 2023 a good practice to start the new year off right is to decide to have a healthy mindset. This means practicing mental wellness as a daily discipline. Practicing Mental Wellness on a daily basis is like wearing a protective guard around your heart, mind and spirit. This will allow you to live life and to see life from a lens that will help you experience the day to day from a healthy perspective even when tragedy hits.

What does this practice look like?


* You are merely a mortal human being. You did not create yourself and there are aspects of life you will NEVER understand because you are not God. You are entitled to nothing in life except to live for God who is your creator therefore, it’s dangerous to think arrogantly in this way. Accept change with humility, prayer and grace. (pray this “Serenity Prayer”)

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can,

and wisdom to know the difference”


* An attitude of gratitude will help you to focus on the best things in life, the most important things in the day today. Gratitude breeds peace, humility and contentment and allows you to put everything in life in right perspective. Use a gratitude book or journal to keep you focused.

* “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”  (Phil. 4:8-9)

* “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  (Rom. 12:2)


* Healthy Living requires a practice just like unhealthy living is a practice, it just doesn’t require our attention. It is easy to think and live recklessly because we don’t have to pay attention to what we do or say. Healthy Living requires a similar practice. The practice of “Paying Attention” to ourselves. The practice of making choices that are better for us rather than against us. 

* Every day is a CHOICE of Life and Death. So how we navigate through life each day is totally up to us.

* Don’t take yourself or life so seriously. Laugh stuff off, be grateful, shake your head and keep it moving.

* Don’t compete with the falsehood of social media. Do a cleanse/Fast a week, every 3 weeks!

* Avoid the isolated pity-parties we are so tempted to bathe in.

* Without a plan, chaos is inevitable. Without the work you are sure to fail.

* Grief is normal and healthy. understand it and allow it to have its perfect work in you


 * Choose the people around you… who also think and live healthy too.

* Become a part of something with others that’s bigger than yourself.

* Practice Prayer and Bible Study weekly to gain wisdom and right perspectives from a godly viewpoint.

* Be Teachable. We know TRUTH when we hear it, whether we like it or not. Obey what is right, good and truth. It will protect and save you and surround you with favor and grace.

* Invest in professional help if Healthy Living is hard to do on your own.

Finally, realize life is a GIFT! You did not have a decision in the plans that gave you the gift of life but rather, God chose you. Consider then what you are here for. Consider what God desires to do in you and through you. This is the most important purpose in life and how you live it out is where you will find great joy. Shake off self-centered thinking and put on a Christ-centered Heart, Mind and Spirit. 

The world and its various cultures continue to define the meaning of life without God. This is a fool’s pursuit and one we should never follow. If we keep this in mind as our foundation to life, love and purpose we will live and prosper and enjoy life no matter what is going on around us.

The Ruthless Nature of the “ANGEL OF LIGHT”

(Morning Revelation)

2 Corin. 11:12-14

12 And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about. 13 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

The spiritual activity that is probably the most common and deeply diabolical that exist in the earth is the essence of the holy war that is going on behind the scenes in the realm of the heavenlies. It is the war and opposition that is happening in the spirit realm that every human being engages with when they are confronted with any element of this war that is between God and Satan, Good and Evil, holy, and profane, wickedness and righteousness. This holy war existed since the war that erupted in heaven when Satan got beside himself and rose up to come against God and take over his kingdom (Ez.28, Rev. 12:7-12). Resentful that God would even think to discipline him and kick him out of his Holy Kingdom, Satan STILL wages war against God with a passionate endeavor to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY everything that God has and loves (1 Pet. 5:8, John 10:10).

So, what is the nature of this Angel of Light? How does it operate? How can we identify its activities?

It is actually more obvious than we would imagine. It is a spirit of jealousy and pride that will not acknowledge itself and humble its sinful nature to God but rather, rebel and defy truth and pursue to make God out of a liar. The angelic deception in all this is that it is not accomplished with the outright wickedness of this endeavor, but it will accomplish its goals by mimicking everything that is of God, yet only to carry out its own agenda with a presence of righteousness. There are various levels or variations of this wickedness some that is blind and ignorant and others that is methodical, strategic, and premeditated in an effort to gain power and influence, competing against the power and influence that is of God.

The Bible teaches us it is right and appropriate to imitate righteousness that is from Christ Jesus and even of those in godly leadership (1 John 2:6, 1 Corin. 11:1, 1 Pet. 2:21). However, the imitating of righteousness that is of the Angel of Light is not to glorify God but rather to glorify itself (Matt. 4:1-11, 1 Corin. 3:21). This operation can get personal in our relationship with others. These ambassadors of the Angel of Light will deliberately not acknowledge the righteousness that is found and you but rather rob you of the righteous graces they see in you by imitating your behavior and spirit but only to use it for their own gain and ultimately against you by making you out a liar, uncredible or simply make the righteousness they walk in equal to the true righteousness you walk in.  Their very presence and activity will conjure up feelings of confusion, distrust and even self-doubt. This deception is so sophisticated only the spirit of God can reveal their hidden truth.

They’re fruit in secret testifies of their true wickedness but it will never be shown in the light among others (Matt. 7:16-20). It is in this place of secrecy that you witness their true fruit and realize that they secretly despise the righteousness you walk in. This is the very heart and nature of Satan and how he has deceived the world throughout generations. This is the wickedness that Jesus is returning to judge and eternally condemn him for. 

This is a sophisticated and diabolical deception that is clothed in a righteousness that appears of God. It is highly dangerous and highly manipulative that no human flesh can compete with it nor should attempt to (Jer. 17:5, Philp. 3:3). Yet we say, “Thanks be to God” for his holy word has come to bring light to this spirit and to its operation in the earth so that we might identify its sin and as a redeemed people of God may be convicted by its presence and thereby resist it so it may flee (Rom. 7:7-25, Jam. 4:7). 

As the age of Jesus second return comes to a close, we will see this kind of wickedness more and more and on government and global scales. It will become more prominent as a divisive tactic for achieving power and influence. Believers and non-believers will operate by this spirit, and it will be confusing and frustrating to witness and live among it.  However, this is why God maintains to establish a genuine people of God in the earth because who else will not only bear witness but testify and bring light and truth about this spirit (Matt. 5:14-16). Who else will pray and wage war against it and establish counter-attacks against its operation (Eph. 6:10-18). This battle will not be won prior to Jesus return it will only be resisted and subdued. Although, when Jesus does return, the battle will be won once and for all and why a great celebration will be required as well as a new Heaven and a new Earth to establish and declare a New Age in God’s Kingdom has begun (Matt. 25:41, Rev. 21).


God has a DISCIPLESHIP BLUEPRINT and we see it spelled out in Ephesians 4.

Ephesians 4:11-16

So Christ himself gave the Apostles, the Prophets, the Evangelists, the Pastors and Teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.


The significance of these respective leaders is in their giftedness and the anointing of God that empowers them to carry out their unique roles. When either of these roles are removed, confused or misunderstood in the work of discipleship then the ministry will go lacking.

ALL believers in some way shape or form, will have gifts that are aligned with any of these leadership anointings. As their lives grow and mature in their walk of faith these gifts will position them for influence and leadership all for the sake of discipleship either as an independent leadership service or in partnership with other leaders.

Understanding the nature of these unique leadership anointings will help us understand where our gifts resonate and where our grooming for service would be best aligned. God’s discipleship blueprint is his plan for building up the body both personally and corporately, causing us to walk perfected in love and unity and find significance in all that we do.

The Five-fold Leader Discipleship Gifts

APOSTLE: Visionaries, business/ministry/political leaders, pioneers, prophets of revelation, governors of divine blueprints, rooted in intimacy with God, governors of God’s vision.

PROPHET: Partners in God’s visions, encouragers, affirmers, discerners, intercessors, influencers/entertainers/promoters, rooted in intimacy with God, trainers in spiritual intimacy with God, governors of God spiritual truths.

EVANGELIST: Heralds of the gospel, deliverers, healers, workers of miracles, missionaries, planters, key on-ramps for discipleship, serve as partners in God’s vision.

PASTOR: Shepherds, governors, mentors, spiritual parents, disciplers, overseers, helpers, instructors, elders (lifestyle examples), administrators, managers, serve as partners in God’s vision.

TEACHER: Educators, trainers, disciplinarians, governors of God’s truth in practical Christian living, serve as partners in God’s vision

TOGETHER, these powerfully gifted equipping leaders and their teams develop the body of Christ from generation to generation with God’s purpose, presence and power to be radiant in the earth both personally and corporately.

So, the question is, do you know who you are? Are you where you need to be for spiritual grooming? Are you being made ready for service? Are you lacking significance? 

No matter who you are, when we better understand God’s discipleship blueprint and align our lives or ministry accordingly, we are sure to become all we were divinely meant to be.

Understanding the End-time Era

I believe the reason why God tells us in James chapter 1 to count it all joy when we go through tests and trials is because these tests and trials are the canvas upon which God teaches us, matures us and shows us something deeper about himself about ourselves and how to live in and understand this world. This is what God is doing in my life presently.  This is the message he spoke to me this morning.

The END-TIME Era of Wickedness is simply a cocktail of GREAT DECEPTION.

Matthew 24:37-39
New English Translation

37 For just like the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be. 38 For in those days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark. 39 And they knew nothing until the flood came and took them all away. It will be the same at the coming of the Son of Man.


This is deception in its most sophisticated form (that if possible, even the very elect will be fooled, Matt. 24:24 ). It is safe to assume then, we have NEVER seen it quite like this before. (2 Tim. 3:1-5). It is a contamination of both flesh and spirit. It is an era where even the righteous will deem themselves righteous while their actions are profoundly ungodly. It is an era where injustice will be deemed just and the wicked will believe their own narrative of reason and it will sound quite convincing. In this kind of climate contamination, the only way to know the truth is to examine the FRUIT. In doing so, the word of God ALONE will determine where the light, truth and presence of God truly REST because the words and the actions of a person will line up with God’s will and his ways as this will be a committed believer’s primary pursuit. Apart from this, EVERYONE will be deceived because they will not be discerning by their spirit but rather by their flesh.

This means people (even believers), will be more greatly influenced by their sinful passions. They will be drawn more by the areas of their own blindness and spiritual brokenness. They will live compromised lives and feel justified by the wisdom of the world rather than the wisdom of God. People will become impatient with God; with his ways and will and consider that his ways are too high an expectation and they will trust their own ideas and approaches to achieving the things they desire rather than through the plans, purposes and spirit of God. Obedience to God will be greatly challenged by one’s own wisdom and experiences in life. (Prov.14:12) It will be a “War of Wisdom” and the deception that is in the world will cause people to choose themselves above God, considering the goal they seek IS the will of God. Therefore, the things they desire will be achieved by any means possible and ultimately, life’s purpose will be defined by merely what we can get out of it.

So, consequently, people will grow more blind, more wicked (separated from God) and also believers will live even further from the purpose and truth upon which they were redeemed. The most fascinating thing about this end-time era is that NO ONE (not even the elect-the people of God) will be able to recognize wickedness on the surface, that is because it can ONLY be discerned by the Spirit. This level of deception will appear as innocent as a lamb, but it will be a “wolf” in sheep’s clothing. (Matt.7:15) It will appear as an Angel of light (2 Corin.11:14) but it will be a “Demon of Darkness” and neither the deceiver or the deceived will truly know what’s REALLY going on without fully surrendering themselves FIRST, to the Spirit of God.  EXAMINE THE FRUIT TO KNOW THE TRUTH. Surrender, sacrifice and obedience will be the fruit that will shape and clearly define the end-time people of God in this new era.

What will Heaven be Like?

And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.” Gen. 28:17

Everyone imagines what heaven will be like but apart from the scriptures, few really know what eternal life will be like in the new Heaven and the new Earth. However, consider, we are given a clue in Revelations 22:12 where we are told that God will give each of us an account for how we have lived and he will reward us accordingly. Therefore, reward is a key feature in the lives of those who are a part of the family of God, made possible through his son, Jesus Christ.

~ . ~


“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.”

Rev 21:1-7

“Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.  And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.  ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.  Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children.

~ . ~

So, imagine with me for a moment a scenario, a parable much like what Jesus told where he said, the “Kingdom of Heaven will be like this!”  By an inspiration from the Holy Spirit, he took me on this journey and I imagined a corporation or church; like a large mega church where it was founded by a FATHER and his TWO SONS. One son, it would seem he was favored by the Father but not really, it is only that he received the goodness of his Father because of his righteousness and obedience. The other son was frequently rebellious and had a tendency to want to do things his own way and so he was viewed as “Wicked.”

One day the wicked son chose to do just that! Do things his own way.  As a son with relative authority (as a legitimate child) and great influence and charm, he rallied the favor of many within this corporation and influence them to believe lies about the Father and the righteous son.  He empowered his followers to believe that he would overturn the entire corporation and position himself as the worthy leader with a better vision for ALL and many believed in him. This wicked takeover attempt went on for many years and it was ugly, brutal, seductive and strategic. It was sophisticated and deceptive. It was confusing and violent and many lives were left broken, divided and even the righteous followers of the Father were confused and sometimes uncertain if the Father would ever move and rectify this tragic pitiful state of the corporation. 

Although, because the Father was quite powerful (so much more than many imagined) and a loving Father, he continued to love each of his two sons equally despite their distinct character. Now, at the unsalvageable state of the corporation the day finally came when the Father would take no more of this irresponsible leadership and render judgment and reward upon his two son. However, the judgement did not unfold in the way that many expected it would. The Father loved his wicked son greatly, he just didn’t like his ways and knew all along that his son (by all the rights and privileges) was to himself, “His Own Worst Enemy.” He knew his son, while blessed with every good thing that a Father could give, was filled with pride and arrogance and had lost sight his love for him. Most important, the Father knew all along that his wicked son was being influenced by evil forces far greater than he knew to handle because of his wicked heart. The Father knew that these evil forces influencing him had also permeated the entire corporation through the ignorance of his wicked son. This evil influence was spearheaded by no one other than Satan. The Father had compassion on BOTH his sons although, his compassion was far greater for the righteous son and those standing with him because they were all brutally and maliciously persecuted by the influences of the wicked son. The Father knew that the time had come where he would establish a New corporation and with a New name where they all may serve once again together but with a “Renewed Vision.”

So, as the Father moved with a spirit of profound recompense to establish his corporation once again, he overturn the lies with truth, he combated the deception with the needed evidence and clarity, he exposed all the wicked plans, schemes, false narratives and behaviors of all those who followed his wicked son. He showed grace on those who were for so long persecuted for righteousness sake and he made it very clear once and for all, who started this corporation, whose vision will stand forever and what spirit will forever lead it’s mission.  The Father made it inexplicably clear how his judgment and reward will forever secure the corporation so that nothing like this will EVER happen again. 

So, as the new corporation was established, the Father took the righteous son and positioned him in the highest rank of the corporation and all those who followed him he positioned them in high ranks with influence on all levels of the corporation. The Father even had mercy on the wicked son because he knew that his wickedness was merely an influence of Satan, yet acknowledging that his son (by all means and measures) was STILL his son. So, the Father positioned his wicked son in the lowest position in the corporation with low level influence and all those who followed him were positioned even lower than him. 

So now, the corporation flourished and it had a spirit and a life that would endure FOREVER. It was renewed, beautiful and even more magnificent than it was before; it was indeed an Empire and Fortress that would have no end.


What Tribe are You Apart of?

Today we are living in a generation where terms are dramatically changing the scope of how we understand who we are and what we do.

In ministry, I intentionally use the term “Apostolic” to bring new language and understanding to the work and ministry of discipleship. Another term currently being re-purposed in the Christian community is, “Tribe.” I believe this term Tribe, more accurately depicts what the community of Believers look like in this generation and this new breed of believers is growing all over the world.

For generations, the universal body of believers have been defined by the word “Church” but now it seems in this generation the term church, in general, has become marred with a spiritually distorted, compromised, passive, religious and complacent image, becoming now more of an obstacle to the community of faith in particular among those under 40yrs old. In this traditional concept of church we envision a more routine and stabilized body of believers rather than a creative and mobilized one. It represents a building and a place more than a people and culture. Therefore, this is why I believe God is introducing the term tribe to this generation because a tribe more clearly represents its people, mission and culture. 

A Tribe could also be defined as a “Network” of individuals with a common purpose or identity. When you think of tribe you can also see a family unit but you might envision that they are defined more by who they are and not by where they go. Therefore, as a tribe they are a community that is inspired by their connectedness as individuals and therefore, in a spiritual context, they are connected through a common belief and purpose. So, it would seem that it is their cultural spiritual language and how they are mobilized together and throughout the world that is at the heart of their identity, beliefs and purpose, which defines them as a TRIBE. Are you a part of the tribe of Jesus? Are you mobilized in his beliefs and purpose? 

Our former concepts of Church has appeared to empower the building, the place and what we do there to be the substance that shapes our lives as believers both individually and corporately. However, the concept of Tribe, seeks more to empower each of us to think individually and corporately as a people walking out our common mission and unique passions, which consequently connect us anywhere and in a variety of ways.  What Tribe(s) are YOU apart of? Is it cultivating a present move of God? Is your life growing, maturing in the image of Christ, spiritually transforming and becoming mobilized in the faith? These spiritually authentic characteristics are unique to our growing modern day Church called, TRIBES.

Living BEYOND Offenses

“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 1Peter 4:8

I just had a refreshing divine revelation this morning. How LIBERATING it was! I realized how those around me whose response toward me appears to be a kind of jealousy, rejection or discard, you know, those people who find it hard to celebrate you for whatever reason, well, I’ve discovered that ALL of these individuals literally have similar personalities and their walk of faith is also quite common. Now, I say this not to cast judgment or to find fault with them, it is simply just a fascinating revelation to realize. These are individuals who have a character very similar in nature. In contrast, those who freely accept me and are a blessing in my life are people who are also similar in nature and their walk of faith in many ways is comparable with my own. You might be thinking, “well, that is true with everything…” “Birds of a feather flock together.” Although, what I’m speaking of is more of a “spiritual dynamic.” As I wrestle with those “necessary” relationships in my life (you know, the ones that matter), of those who oppose me, I’m now realizing that there issue is not so much a matter of circumstance as it is a matter of the heart and spirit. This commonality in spirit is not an accident nor a coincidence. This is a spiritual disposition. Because this is so, it is important for me to take note and free myself from the confusion and responsibility of guilt that they imposed upon me through their inconsistency, unkind acts, controlling, manipulative, and competitive nature.

Do you have people in your life who are like this? I believe we all may have and in particular if you are someone who is intentional in following God’s will for your life and allowing his transformation to take place in your heart, mind and spirit. This vain disregard is indeed a common thing. It is the unfortunate flaws of our human nature and we need God to help us with it. Sometimes, people will oppose your spiritual growth and development through their opinions and judgements in an effort to define your worth and they will even attempt to impose their opinions onto others. This is most common when dynamics of control and competition already existed in the relationship whether you realized it or not.

Well, today I thank you Lord that you are opening my eyes to see even more clearly the issues in my life that bear a heavy weight. Every opportunity you move me further or rather, higher in matters of conflict and offense of this kind, your fresh revelation gives me freedom and the ability to breathe and I am ever so grateful. You are empowering me to live with their offense, yet see it through a “spiritual lens” and still love them at the same time. That is your miraculous power!  I no longer have to be offended nor care about their personal offense against me. I’m realizing that their offense is really not based on anything substantial other than the spiritual dilemma of which we are simply two people who do not walk in spiritual agreement. Jesus said, “my sheep know my voice” (John 10:27). I would think this would be a voice that even comes from his own people. We should recognize his voice in one another. We should speak the same language. This should give us great joy when we come across other believers who bear the spirit of God genuinely. If this cannot happen, there is a wall of division (this is a clue) and that wall identifies the areas where we do not walk in agreement. You see, real conflict requires an issue and if there is no real issue (and in my case, I have much more legitimate reasons to have issue), then there is no real conflict and all that remains is a spirit that is not fully aligned with God.

When matters of the heart cannot be resolved properly through the ministry of reconciliation as Jesus has given to us (2Corin. 5:11-21), then our offenses are left to find healing on its own, with God. This process commonly takes a lot more time but the process (as you can see) is far more deep and rich in God and we are wiser, stronger and better for it in the long-run. God has established for me a new life with these individuals, a life with boundaries and peace. Now, for them, it may take some time getting use to this “new me,” but if my actions are consistently genuine and in love, we will continue to grow and flourish on a new level of respect and understanding, this time in a healthy way.

I’m sure I have not seen the last of these types in my life but it is a blessing to know I am growing more confident, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to not apologize for the boundaries and standards I walk in during matters of distrust. It’s times like these (in God) that he affirms me and empathizes with my journey and I am always so deeply grateful for it. So, I will continue to guard my heart and walk in wisdom and love towards my enemies. This is what the word of God instructs me to do and now, even more, I believe I understand how and why God has suggested that we do this. It is because this is REAL LIFE! It is “REAL CHRISTIAN LIVING.”

Matthew 5:43-48

New International Version

Love for Enemies

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Learn more about how to live beyond offenses with a “Skills for Life” peacemaker training for individuals, couples, groups, and churches.

The Miraculous Moves of God with NOAH

Sharing with you an excerpt from a devotional series I’m in the middle of writing entitled, “The Miraculous Moves of God.” This one is about NOAH.
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So, what can we learn about the miraculous moves of God through the life of Noah? Well first, the Bible tells us that Noah was a righteous man among all people. So the first thing we can learn about the miraculous moves of God is that righteousness is a positioning for great moves of God. It is easy to presume that if Noah lived righteous he must have lived a holy life, a life set apart to God. Noah’s righteousness evidently aided him on how to be strong in the Lord and in his faith. We have to acknowledge, Noah did not have the Holy Spirit like we do today. Noah simply treasured the righteous goodness in God and followed after it. His righteousness no doubt caused him to see the distinction between righteousness and wickedness very clearly whereas others could not. God’s righteous move was no doubt upon Noah because he was a man who could say YES to God.

The second thing to note about the miraculous move of God in this story is that Noah had GREAT FAITH. Consider, it takes great faith to live righteous among a wicked generation. It takes great faith to live righteously for several years in particular among those you love, live and work with who may trivialize, mock ridicule and judge your caliber of faith because they don’t understand your relationship with God. Let’s explore this a little deeper.

It is clear that Noah had great faith, a faith God chose to use. Noah had the kind of faith that could move mountains and according to Matt. 17:20, this could be interpreted literally! You see, after the rains stopped, there was not a mountain in sight.  Noah’s faith caused him to believe a “word from the Lord” that when God moved, he actually cause all the mountains in Noah’s region to be removed from his sight! Another point to consider is Noah’s faith caused him to build an ark for 120 years, that is THREE generations! Who does that? Except someone with great faith. I wonder, is there a promise from God that you would believe for 40 YEARS?

Third, if Noah lived a holy and righteous life and filled with great faith, he must have had INTIMACY with God, causing him to know God and God to know him. Noah had to hear from God in order to know he should build the ark. So Noah must have had a relationship with God where he talked to him and God talked back. Noah’s deep, intimate relationship with God must have been one where God could easily communicate his heart and love for Noah. A love that would cause you to do CRAZY things. This great love, born out of intimacy with God, rescued Noah and his family from coming destruction. So God’s great moves are contingent on intimately knowing him and God knowing you.

The fourth thing we learn about the miraculous moves of God through the life of Noah is, the TIMING of God. When we consider that it took Noah 120 years to build the ark and likely withstand ridicule and mockery throughout that time, you have to consider what was Noah’s motivation? Let’s analyze this a bit more practically. 

So how did Noah actually build the ark? Did he build constantly and continually? Did it take 120 years because he was starting and stopping due to wavering faith? Did Noah receive affirmations from the Lord periodically that caused him to persevere and endure through his walk of faith. Or, possibly, was God gracious to Noah realizing he was only one man with a few sons and they had to build this ark all on their own so it just took that long. If that is the case, then we can see another layer of God’s miraculous move of how graciously God added years to Noah’s life that would extend to the life of his faith. God’s appointed time may have been essentially waiting on Noah! So consider, is God’s great move in your life directly tied to WHAT and HOW you are building?

Can you see now, the story of Noah is so much more than a man building an Ark. The story of Noah beautifully illustrates the value in knowing what moves the heart of God and how to understand the nature of his movement. May Noah’s story bring resolve to matters of faith in your own life of where you are waiting on God or trying to hear his voice as you walk out his promise. May Noah’s story encourage you in understanding the kind of righteousness and faith that pleases God and also earns his miraculous move. May the story of Noah bring your understanding and expectations of God’s miraculous move into a new normal, expectations that will empower you to now also walk in.

Weekly Devotion (Daily Reading and Journal Notes)

Day 1: Genesis Chapters 6-7

Day 2: Genesis Chapters 8-9

Day 3: Philippians Chapter 3

Day 4: 1 Peter Chapter 1

Day 5: Hebrews Chapter 11

Day 6: Journal a reflection summarizing all the scripture reading.